About my blog

My idea for a blog such as Photographytraveler.com existed even before the creation of my first online travel guides in 2005 and even before I started my first website devoted to photography back in 2001.

But finding the free time to create my own personal travel blog was difficult. Teaching photography and photo sharing with my students on Facebook is what mainly urged me to finally begin.

The purpose of Photographytraveler.com is not only to take a photographic journey around the world but also a journey through the history of photography from the first images taken up to the most recent launch of a new digital camera.

First of all I want to share my love of travel and photography with people from all over the world who may have the same interests as me. I want to share with you not only my love for the world and travel, but also for Greece which is my home country and my love for Athens, which is the city in which I grew up and continue to live.

Life itself is a wonderful journey and I believe that photography makes this journey even more interesting. I am primarily a traveller – photographer, and a traveller who see’s the beauty of life through the Art of Photography. Therefore, I invite and welcome you to my personal blog, so as to share with you my photographs and my thoughts. I want to close this presentation with the hope that you all have the most beautiful journey!

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